Destructive Testing

We use the metallurgical laboratory of the Metallurgy Plant "WSK Rzeszów" Sp z o.o. Most of our destructive tests for raw materials and finished products are performed there according to the customer specification. The laboratory has tens of years of experience in metallurgy testing. The other tests are performed in Rzeszów University of Technology, the Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy in Gliwice and the Pratt&Whitney Laboratory in Rzeszów.

The Metallurgy Plant is provided with a fully equipped laboratory for identification of chemical composition, material structure and mechanical properties of cast iron alloys, steel, Al, Ni and Mg alloys.

Laboratory Tests in ForgeX Polska.

  • Impact tests
  • Tensile strength
  • Hardness
  • Microstructure
  • Macrostructure
  • Chemical analysis
  • Grain
  • Fracture

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